i'm bob.
any beer?

August 2009
September 2009

dumb black woman.

Date: 27.8.09
Time: 4:15 AM

bob 'ere.
i've been thinkin' these few days, 'bout that case.
that girl mayella better know what she's doin', she'd almost cracked the other day, under that stinkin' lawyers tricks.
if that ever happens, she's gonna get it so bad, she'd never know what had hit her.
but i reckon we've got that nigger. damn, none of the folks are ever believin' his sorry ass. i put a good show up there for that finch, mighta made a few little slips 'ere and there, but a niggers word against your man bob? theres no way in hell he's gunna get away it it.

0have left cookies for me

Date: 16.8.09
Time: 7:29 AM

i knew it. we thought those bastards a lesson. that pompous finch, with all his mannerisms ain't so high and mighty now eh?

damn, i should've put my money on it!

that black boy had it coming to him. we'll be rid of that trash soon enough, sent to the chair, i heard. a death deserving of such scum.

i ain't got any idea whats up in the mind of that finch. doing all that law garbage must have done his head in. he should be supportin' us whites! thats what he should be doin'. not runnin' off helping them niggers!
white people like him don't even deserve to be one of us. he'll be off in the way of robinson, very, very soon.
0have left cookies for me

Date: 15.8.09
Time: 8:04 AM

atticus finch had got me mighty pissed off 'bout the whole ruckus.
with his uppity manner, puttin' down my mayella right in front of my very eyes!
folks like him, gotta get put in their place!
0have left cookies for me

Date: 14.8.09
Time: 8:21 AM

i've finally got that stinkin' lawyer good! spat right in his snooty face, and gave him a piece of my mind!
and, and, the best part of it was, he was shocked beyond words! you could just see it on that face of his, wiped that smug smile off it all right!
threw in a threat or two, to scare that gutless traitor. that shook him up. i could see it, bight as day, that expression, HA.
0have left cookies for me

Date: 13.8.09
Time: 7:35 AM

who do they think they are? lookin' down on us simple folk.
i'll gave 'em a scare alright. they're all quakin' in their boots, fearin' for their little lives!
me an' my family, won't be looked upon like that anymore. i'll show 'em office folks, with their cushy desk jobs. finch, and that ol' geezer taylor better know whats comin' to 'em!
0have left cookies for me

Date: 12.8.09
Time: 8:20 AM

heard the nigger's been shot, right up his sorry behind!
that must've been the best news i've heard these few days. one less worthless slave boy to worry 'bout.
now its just those two. those ones who trampled on the ewell name, my dignity.
who'd they think they're dealin' with?
0have left cookies for me

Date: 11.8.09
Time: 7:03 AM

life. hah!
gotten a job few days back. hardly worth of somone like me, just scraps those townsfolk throw you.
just did it 'cause im runnin' dry on drink money these few days. obviously, im above all that. heck, i should've been in that lawyer's seat!
reckon its all down to dumb, dumb luck.
see? those good-for-nothing folk, just wanna make it hard fer a man down in the dumps. they'll trample all over you, just cause they enjoy seein' another poor soul, havin' it worse than 'em!

makes 'em feel good 'bout themselves.

when i've risin above 'em all, kickin' up my dust in their gapin' mouths, see what they have to say then!
0have left cookies for me

Date: 10.8.09
Time: 7:43 AM


i can see them stars. movin'. in my head or in the sky, i have no idea, none at all.

i've got a good feelin' that im pre-tty out of it.

hah, all the better. i've always fancied myself much more ar..articulate, and...poetic, after downing a few drinks.
i'm gonna fight. against all those bastards who think they can just push me down, trod all over me, and get away with it, just like that. fer those kids of mine, i'll show 'em that their old man still got the fight left in him. i'll do 'em proud. yes, yes, they'll be pleased.

the heat, i can feel it. the familiar comfort of the drink. everything's hazy, but my purpose, that's clear.
0have left cookies for me